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Easy Pool Deck Calculator: How To Calculate Square Footage

Calculating pool deck square footage can be a headache. Many homeowners struggle to figure out how much material they need for their new deck. This often leads to wasted money on extra supplies or frustrating trips back to the store.

Did you know that an accurate square footage calculation can save you up to 20% on materials? Our easy pool deck calculator takes the guesswork out of this process. We’ll show you how to measure your space and use simple math to get precise results.

Get ready to tackle your deck project with confidence.

Key Takeaways

  • Accurate pool deck calculations can save up to 20% on materials.
  • Essential tools for measuring include a tape measure and calculator.
  • Break odd-shaped decks into smaller, simple parts for easier measuring.
  • Subtract the pool’s area from the total deck measurement for actual deck space.
  • Add 10% extra to your figures to account for waste and cuts in materials.

Essential Tools and Measurements Needed

You’ll need two key items to measure your pool deck. A tape measure helps you get exact lengths, while a calculator makes the math easy.

Tape measure

A tape measure is a must-have tool for calculating pool deck square footage. This handy device lets you get precise length and width measurements of your deck area. Most tape measures extend up to 25 feet, which is plenty for most pool decks.

Look for one with clear markings in both inches and feet to make your job easier.

Using a tape measure correctly ensures accurate results. Always pull the tape tight and straight when measuring. For long distances, ask a friend to hold one end while you take the reading.

Don’t forget to measure any curves or angles in your deck design. These details can affect your final square footage calculation.

Measure twice, cut once.

This old saying applies to deck planning too. Double-check all your measurements before moving forward. Accurate numbers now will save you time and money later. With your trusty tape measure in hand, you’re ready to tackle the next steps in planning your perfect pool deck.


A pool deck calculator makes planning your new outdoor space easy. This handy tool helps you figure out how much material you’ll need for your project. It takes the guesswork out of estimating square footage and concrete amounts.

To use the calculator, you’ll input some basic info about your pool and deck. Enter the length and width of your pool, plus the size of the deck area around it. The calculator then crunches the numbers for you.

It gives you the square footage of both the pool and patio areas. It also tells you how many cubic yards and feet of concrete you’ll need.

This calculator saves time and prevents costly mistakes. You won’t order too much or too little material. It’s a smart first step before talking to deck builders. With accurate numbers in hand, you can get better quotes and plan your budget.

The pool deck calculator is a simple but powerful tool for any homeowner tackling this project.

Step-by-Step Calculation Process

Calculating pool deck square footage is a simple task. Follow our easy steps to get accurate measurements for your project.

Determine the shape of the pool deck

Pool decks come in many shapes. The most common are rectangles, circles, and L-shapes. To figure out your deck’s shape, walk around it and note its edges. Look for straight lines or curves.

This step is key for getting the right measurements later.

Knowing your deck’s shape helps you plan better. It affects how much material you’ll need and how to lay it out. For odd shapes, break the deck into smaller, simple parts. This makes measuring easier and more exact.

Don’t forget to check for any special features like built-in seating or planters.

The shape of your pool deck is the foundation for a perfect outdoor space.

Measure the length and width

Grab your tape measure and get ready to size up your pool deck. Start with the length. Stretch the tape from one end to the other, making sure it’s straight. Write down this number in feet.

Next, tackle the width. Measure across the deck at its widest point. Jot down this figure too.

For odd-shaped decks, break them into smaller parts. Measure each section separately. A rectangular deck is simple – just get the longest side and the shortest side. But curved areas need extra steps.

Split them into squares and triangles for easier math later.

Don’t forget to account for any features that stick out. Steps, planters, or built-in seating change your deck’s size. Measure these separately and add them to your total later. Accuracy counts here – even small errors can throw off your whole calculation.

Double-check each measurement to be sure.

Calculate the total square footage

To find your pool deck’s total square footage, you’ll need a tape measure and calculator. Start by measuring the length and width of your deck in feet. For a simple rectangle, multiply these numbers.

Let’s say your deck is 20 feet long and 15 feet wide. Multiply 20 by 15, and you get 300 square feet.

For odd shapes, break the deck into smaller parts. Measure each part and add them up. Don’t forget to subtract the pool’s area from your total. If your pool is 15 feet by 10 feet, that’s 150 square feet.

Take this from your deck total. In our example, 300 minus 150 equals 150 square feet of actual deck space.

Knowing your deck’s square footage helps with many things. It tells you how much decking material to buy. It also helps figure out costs for things like stain or sealant. Plus, it’s useful when getting quotes from deck builders.

Armed with this info, you can plan your perfect pool deck with ease.

Practical Tips for Accuracy

Measure twice, cut once. This old saying holds true for pool deck calculations. Double-check your numbers to avoid costly mistakes. Use a digital tape measure for more exact readings.

Verify measurements

Checking your measurements twice saves time and money. Get a friend to help you measure your pool deck area. This way, you’ll catch any mistakes before buying materials. Use a long tape measure for big spaces and a shorter one for tight spots.

Write down each number as you go. This helps you keep track and spot any odd figures that might be wrong.

Accurate measurements lead to a better-looking deck. They also help you order the right amount of materials. Too little, and your project stalls. Too much, and you waste cash. Pros often add 10% extra to their figures for waste and cuts.

This trick works well for DIY jobs too. With careful checking, you’ll nail your deck project from the start.

Consider deck features like stairs or curves

Pool decks come in all shapes and sizes. Stairs and curves add flair but also make measuring tricky. These features need extra care when you figure out your deck’s size.

Stairs take up space on your deck. You must count them in your total area. Measure each step’s length and width. Then add up all the steps. Don’t forget to include landings too. Curves pose a different challenge.

Break curved areas into smaller, straight sections. Measure each part and add them up. This method gives you a close estimate of the curved space.

Deck builders use special tools to measure odd shapes. They might use laser measures or flexible tape for curves. Some even use computer programs to map out complex designs. These tools help get the most accurate size for your unique deck.

Getting the right measurements means you’ll have the perfect amount of materials for your project.


Calculating pool deck square footage is now easy. With the appropriate tools and steps, you can plan your project effectively. Measure twice and calculate once for the best results.

This straightforward process saves time and money on your deck build. With this information, you’re prepared to create your ideal backyard oasis.


1. How do I calculate the square footage of my pool deck?

To calculate your pool deck’s square footage, multiply the length and width of the deck area. For shaped pools, measure each section and add them together. This gives you the total deck surface area.

2. What factors should I consider when determining deck size?

Consider the pool’s shape, desired deck width, and any extra space for furniture. Factor in pool coping and the area needed to enter the pool safely. The layout should fit your backyard and create an outdoor oasis.

3. Can I use a calculator to figure out my deck’s square footage?

Yes, many online tools can help. Enter your pool’s dimensions and desired deck width. The calculator will give you the total square footage. This helps with pricing and planning for materials like pavers or composite decking.

4. How do I measure for a deck around a non-rectangular pool?

For irregular shapes, divide the area into smaller sections. Measure each part separately. Add these measurements together for the total. This method works for kidney-shaped or freeform pools.

5. Why is knowing my deck’s square footage important?

Knowing your deck’s square footage is crucial for buying materials, estimating costs, and planning the substructure. It helps determine how many deck boards, fasteners, and other items you’ll need for your pool renovation project.

6. Should I include the pool’s area in my deck calculations?

No, don’t include the pool’s area in your deck calculations. Measure only the area where you’ll install decking materials. This gives you an accurate figure for ordering supplies and planning your deck installation.

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